Our enterprise-grade URL shortener enables you to massively create short, branded URLs. Save time, inspire action, and grow your business.
Shorten 100K links at once. Upload a file comprising your initial, long URLs and automatically get a file comprising the short ones.
Create recognizable short links, simply by replacing “rby.one” with your own, custom domain, such as “brand.co”.
Define an alias for each link such as “brand.co/sales” or “shoes.co/black-friday” to increase engagement and conversions.
Use alternative link redirects for your Android and iOS apps. Minimize conversion path.
Update the destination URL for any short link, including QR Codes.
Understand where your link clicks come from through handy, meaningful visualizations.
We meet all enterprise-grade security levels and encryption standards. Also, shortened links are HTTPS encrypted to maximize integrity.
Ruby One platform is GDPR-compliant.
Invite your teammates and manage links together. Work smarter. Work efficiently.
Using Ruby One requires no technical expertise. Short and manage links in the most easy, fast, and intuitive way.
Automatically generate a QR code for each shortened link.
Get onboarded from a dedicated account manager who will help you gain business value as soon as possible.
Our team will help you resolve ant issues that may arise and provide feedback to technical or business inquiries.
Need to instantly shorten more that 100K links? Need a custom API? We will evaluate your need and make it work for you.